

    • Hi!

      I ended up changing the project slightly….the students worked in pairs and each student created 6 of the equations, and then they created the clock together. Here is that rubric.

      In case it’s useful….here are the updated student packets….one for partner A and the other for partner B.

  1. Thank you so much for sharing! I’m trying to figure out how to do this without breakout rooms (admin says there must be a staff member in each group, which isn’t plausible for every class on the first day).

    • Ugh! That’s such a ridiculous rule. Not only do kids NEED unsupervised time to talk to one another it also greatly reduces the amount of group work and verbal communication kids get to do.
      Maybe you could just project each item and then have kids vote yes or no in the zoom chat and then choose a few people to defend their answer aloud? My students love engaging via chat.

      • I know! It’s not like I can monitor everything they say in a physical classroom. I’m going to try to get them to chat and use the nonverbal feedback in Zoom. Thanks again!

    • I love what you’ve created so far! Have you created rubrics for any of the other units? I’d be happy to assist in working on those throughout the year. I definitely want to use these all year and you’ve given me a great start. Thank you!

  2. Thank you for sharing your experience. This year was my first year teaching 8th grade and like you said when I hit unit 4 I took the more traditional route because I just didn’t think they would be able to get it. This article inspires me to stick to the plan next year.
    I love the anchor charts created from the students work.

  3. Have you tried verbally sharing the launch while having students standing? I am in the middle of reading Building Thinking Classrooms and am looking at how to start with Unit 1 in the fall. Do you tell your students when to move on to the next activity? Do they not erase each problem until they share out? Thanks for your help.

    • Hi! No – I haven’t tried launching with kids standing….mostly because the curriculum is so visual and it’s hard for everyone to see when they are standing. In fact, because Units 1 and 2 are so visual, I didn’t do much standing white board work until Unit 3. Even then, I typically had kids do one activity at their desks and one up at the boards with a random group. It wasn’t until this unit that I did all activities up on the boards – these lessons are “thin-sliced” so nicely. I think the tip in BTC is to box the solutions that you want kids to save for the share out so then they can erase the rest if you need more space.

  4. Mind blown! I absolutely LOVE the project. If you don’t mind me asking, was there any comments on the Islamic portion? I am Muslim and don’t want parents to think I am including my beliefs.

    • If you sign up on site as a teacher, you will see that each lesson has a section called “community created resources” – and they are all listed there – one per lesson.

  5. […] Appreciations and disclaimers: I’ve been developing these rubrics over the past year and a half – mostly on the weekends! – relying on the learning progressions and assessments in the Illustrative Mathematics curriculum and lots of assistance from fellow teachers in the Open Up Resources facebook groups. These are very much a work in progress & certainly need revision and refinement. You can read more about my thinking behind these rubrics and how I use them with students here. […]

  6. […] These will forever be a work in progress as I gain a deeper understanding of the standards and how kids develop their understanding of these skills and concepts. The linked google docs include a description of which cool downs best align with the rubrics. Read more about my process for developing and using these here. […]

  7. I was wondering if you will be making SBG with learning targets and rubric for 6th grade as well. I am new to SBG and would really like some help in creating proper rubrics like the ones you have created for 7th and 8th grade. We are currently mandated to use OUR/IllustrativeMath so this was an amazing find in my search. Hope to hear from you soon.

  8. Hello! We are new to SBG as well and teach 7th grade! We love what we see and are curious if you’ll be completing the rubrics for 7th grade Geometry and Probability & Statistics. Thank you so much!

  9. I am assuming MU stands for mid-unit, however I am not sure what the numbers stand for. Are these the specific numbers on one MU quiz that represent the learning target/standard being assessed, or do the numbers represent multiple mid-units for students to complete to show their understanding? Also, do you have MU created & aligned for 8th grade? Thanks!

    • Those numbers are the questions from the IM tests that align with that level on rubric. I’ve written a newer blog post with more 8th grade rubrics.

  10. This is such a helpful resource! I love how simple the language is for each of the rubrics: thank you for all your work creating and sharing them with us.
    – A fellow 7th grade math teacher on year 2 of SBG journey

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